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Katie Hendrix

Katie Hendrix

Vice President of Client and Stakeholder Development, Pathway Lending

Working to increase equitable access to financing for women entrepreneurs is Katie Hendrix’s business, but she knows their needs go beyond capital. Helping women balance the increasing demands of career and family is an economic imperative for communities to thrive.

Uncommon Voices 2021

Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change?

The past year-and-a-half has been incredibly impactful but top of mind has been my experience as a working mom, and through my own experience, my desire to see change for what “the new normal” could be in this space. By this space, I mean juggling it all – work, children, expectations, time, health, faith, fear, and the impact you’re having on the future.

I’ve seen a community grow from women who have never met but deeply understand the narratives of each other’s lives. I feel a camaraderie in the hope that the more conversations being had will continue to shed light on the inequalities in the workplace, in sharing of household duties, and the way a community can support someone whose voice might be weak from exhaustion.

Q: For real systems change to happen, how must perspectives, and how we approach the economy and education, shift to meet the needs of an inclusive, equitable economy?

I am passionate to keep this conversation going! To share memes, quotes, ideas, solutions – anything that makes us not feel so alone as we fight for change in this system.

I am passionate to keep this conversation going! To share memes, quotes, ideas, solutions – anything that makes us not feel so alone as we fight for change in this system. As more leaders share their own stories, the idea of change really does become more normal, and the idea that you are a parent as well as an employee can become more of an asset. 

Q: Where do you find hope in the work, conversations, and sifts you see happening, and how does that shape your thinking?

I’m incredibly encouraged by the Chattanooga community of female entrepreneurs that I get to work alongside – from Ella Livingston, Briana Garza, The Chattery Ladies, Mary Stargel, Sharon Green, Mary Helen Montgomery, Stephanie Steiman and Lucky Ramsey – just to name a few! I see these women and others continuing to pursue their dreams, ask for help, and believe in a future.

Explore other 2021 Uncommon Voice Q&As