Home Contact Us For general inquiries, media inquiries, or to request a Kauffman associate to speak at your next conference or event, please complete our form below. To request a meeting with Dr. DeAngela Burns-Wallace, please complete our CEO request form. For inquiries relating to funding opportunities, please visit our funding section to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you! Learn moreFundingResearch, Learning, and EvaluationOperating ProgramsStay connectedCEO meeting request What is the purpose of your inquiry? Please select the type of inquiry you have:General InquiryMedia InquirySpeaker Inquiry First Name Last Name Title Organization Email Phone City StatePlease select... 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Please indicate your industry (select all that apply):CorporateFounder/OwnerGovernmentHigher EducationK-12NonprofitOtherResearcherSmall Business Please indicate your areas of interest (select all that apply):College access & completion – equitable opportunities for allEntrepreneurship – supporting & sustaining small business ownershipWorkforce & career development – at every stageKansas City Send us your general inquiry (1000 characters max). The Foundation may use my personal information to communicate with me about the Foundation and programs I may find interesting, to personalize my experience on Foundation web sites, conduct academic/charitable research, collect data about me from other sources, and share my data with trusted Foundation affiliates. Please review our privacy policy which provides info on how we use, process, and protect your data. I agree Send us your media inquiry (1000 characters max). The Foundation may use my personal information to communicate with me about the Foundation and programs I may find interesting, to personalize my experience on Foundation web sites, conduct academic/charitable research, collect data about me from other sources, and share my data with trusted Foundation affiliates. Please review our privacy policy which provides info on how we use, process, and protect your data. I agree Event title Link to event registration page Please include https:// Link to organization website Please include https:// Date of event Is this date flexible?YesNo What time is the event? Please select the time zone where the event will take place.Please select... UTC-04:00 Atlantic Time UTC-05:00 Eastern Time (U.S. & Canada) UTC-06:00 Central Time (U.S. & Canada) UTC-07:00 Mountain Time (U.S. & Canada) UTC-08:00 Pacific Time (U.S. & Canada) UTC-09:00 Alaska UTC-10:00 Hawaii UTC-11:00 Coordinated Universal Time-11 UTC+10 Mode of eventIn personVirtual If in person, please share the city/state. Who are you inviting to speak?Please select... Dr. DeAngela Burns-Wallace Another EMKF associate What is the name of the associate(s) you're inviting to speak? What topic or theme do you want the speaker to address at the event? Type of opportunityKeynote speakerPanelistPanel moderatorOther If "other", please describe the opportunity (1000 characters max). Please provide background information about your event, including other invited or confirmed speakers, speaker lineup, or other known details. NOTE: We understand that this information may be subject to change; we are looking for high-level guidance on your vision for the entire event and/or panel opportunity (1000 characters max). Who is your audience? Please specify titles, industries, or other specific characteristics (i.e. entrepreneurs, policymakers, educators, nonprofit leaders, students, etc.) (1000 characters max). How many attendees do you expect? Is this a public or private event?PublicPrivate Is this event free or is payment required?FreePayment required Is this event open or closed to the media?OpenClosed What information do you need from us in order for you to market/promote your event? Check all that apply:Speaker bioSpeaker headshotTitle of presentationOther If "other", please describe what information you need from us (1000 characters max). By when do you need the information above? Please check all that apply:The event will be recorded.Kauffman can have a copy of the recording for post-event promotion and/or editing for use in other videos.Kauffman can share slides or any other audience engagement tools (polls, etc.) during the speaking event. If slides are permitted, please select the date by when they should be submitted to the event organizer. Is there a technology check before the event?YesNo If "yes", please provide the technology check details (1000 characters max). Are any pre-planning sessions required, either with the speaker or with the Kauffman Strategic Communications team?YesNo Please describe the pre-planning session requirements (who is needed, when/where, etc.) (1000 characters max). Who should we coordinate with, if different from the main event point-of-contact? Is there any other information that would be helpful for us to know? (1000 characters max) The Foundation may use my personal information to communicate with me about the Foundation and programs I may find interesting, to personalize my experience on Foundation web sites, conduct academic/charitable research, collect data about me from other sources, and share my data with trusted Foundation affiliates. Please review our privacy policy which provides info on how we use, process, and protect your data. I agree reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam. The submit button will be disabled until you complete the CAPTCHA.