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3 trends that prevent entrepreneurs from accessing capital

Ross Baird, 3 Trends that Prevent Entrepreneurs from Accessing Capital

To fuel startups, and the U.S. startup rate, founders need access to a variety of funding opportunities.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line of our initial insights is that we have a lot more work ahead.

The Foundation is particularly focused on this through our work in bridging market gaps and growing entrepreneurial ecosystems. Very little of the total capital flow to entrepreneurs is geared toward women and people of color. With 81 percent of funding coming through personal net worth, family wealth, or connections to networks, it’s not a mystery why today’s make-up of entrepreneurs is overwhelmingly white, older, and male.

Going forward, we know communities need to build the mechanisms and networks that help more people start new businesses. With the nation’s changing demographics, it is both a moral and strategic imperative to ensure inclusion and equity as communities seek to grow local economies.

We will continue to share what we learn, as we work with partners to address systemic issues facing entrepreneurs. We look forward to learning more during the months to come, working together and breaking down barriers for entrepreneurs.

Investing in Rural America

House Small Business Committee

The Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access and the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy, and Trade meet for a joint hearing titled, “Investing in Rural America.”
