55 organizations awarded Capacity Building grants Funds seek to advance the growth of organizations driving college access and completion, workforce and career development, and entrepreneurship. November 11, 2024 Share: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter The Kauffman Foundation awarded grants to 55 organizations to strengthen the organizational capacity of 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity organizations by fostering sound leadership, strong boards, professional development for staff, technology, evaluation, strategic planning, communications, and sustainability. This is the first round of grants announced after the Foundation rolled out its refreshed grantmaking strategy in August. Capacity Building grants are intended to support an organization’s focus on internal effectiveness and long-term stability. These one-time, short-term grants will be awarded to charities that demonstrate a specific capacity gap and that are aligned with the Foundation’s strategic priorities and focus areas. Eighty-five percent of the organizations are based in the Kansas City area. We heard loud and clear that grantees needed funds to grow their reach and achieve impact – and we responded.— Allison Greenwood-BajracharyaChief Impact & Strategy Officer Grantees demonstrated a specific capacity need and an ability to generate impact. Examples of needs include: staffing, program enhancement, operating systems, IT planning and digital security, or communications and marketing. “We heard loud and clear that grantees needed funds to grow their reach and achieve impact – and we responded,” said Allison Greenwood-Bajracharya, Kauffman’s chief impact and strategy officer. “This is just the first of many awards we are announcing, but we’re excited to offer a grant program that is so directly in response to a community request.” The full grantmaking strategy was designed based on community feedback that was gathered through interviews, surveys, and meetings in late 2023 and early 2024. The grants offered reflect a blend of focus areas, as many organizations plan to bridge workforce and career development, college access and completion, and entrepreneurship. Workforce and career development reflected the largest area of emphasis with 68% of grantees indicating it will be their primary focus area. A total of $11.2 million in Capacity Building grants were offered through this round of funding. Nearly one-third of these grants are going to organizations that have not received a Kauffman Foundation grant in the last five years. “Our community knows their challenges and opportunities best,” said Dr. DeAngela Burns-Wallace, president and CEO. “Our Capacity Building grants support well-positioned organizations to grow solutions they know work best. We’re excited to collaborate with these organizations in moving forward our commitment to make Kansas City a national model for equitable economic mobility. The work of these organizations will drive change in Kansas City for years to come.” The Foundation aims to measure progress, learn from the communities regarding successes and failures, and adapt its grantmaking approach to achieve the most impact in supporting Kansas City. Another round of Capacity Building grants will become available in April 2025. Meet the first round of Capacity Building grantees > Media inquiries can be directed to Lauren Aleshire via our media contact form or by calling 816-932-1105. Organizations & Descriptions Aligned Develop a digitized funding formula site in Missouri and Kansas that encourages technology and data streamlining across state departments to support student pursuits of college and career development. AltCap Track and report on metrics to demonstrate the organization’s increased ability to quickly and efficiently process loans for entrepreneurs. Amethyst Place, Inc. Identify diverse revenue streams, improve technology systems, and recruit additional staff to assist residents with college and career attainment efforts. Art as Mentorship, Inc. Increase financial stability via fee-for-service Rebel Song Academy and Band-Aid programs. Refine a strategic plan outlining best practices and procedures. BikeWalkKC Clarify partnerships, staffing, and funding levels needed to improve transportation access for under-resourced communities and develop a policy platform and implementation plan to guide the organization’s work. Bishop Sullivan Center Complete a new strategic plan, launch a new CRM system, and further develop its workforce capacity to increase impact. Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute Support staff recruitment and leadership development in addition to updating the marketing plan, and improve information technology and operating systems. Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City Increase the number of teens engaging in hands-on learning opportunities related to their career interests, expansion of the organization’s Life and Workforce Readiness programs, and support MakerSpaces. Bridge Leadership Academy Recruit and train new coaches and existing staff to better prepare for program expansion and scale to connect high school students to college and career opportunities. Build from Within Alliance Update operating materials for members, including the software that hosts the materials, which will allow their members to share best practices, provide technical assistance to members directly serving entrepreneurs, and onboard new members easier. Cambiar Education Working together with fiscal sponsor Cambiar Education, Formation Ventures serves as the implementing organization who will create and test a scalable, tech-enabled solution to provide personalized feedback on learners. Celebrate EDU Support to build and launch a scalable and accessible learning platform that connects disabled entrepreneurs to training and other entrepreneurial resources. Community Assistance Council Build capacity for workforce operating systems by increasing staff, expanding community education programs, and enhancing community outreach, including assisting residents in obtaining critical documents for employment and launching the “AAA” youth engagement program. Connections to Success Support workforce pathways by funding strategic planning, marketing engagement, and a website redesign and translation. Core Skills Institute Increase operational efficiency and expand micro-credential offerings and evaluator curriculum to align with industry standards and support workforce and career development. DeLaSalle Education Center Recruit and retain teachers in the workforce by filling key vacancies supported by the housing assistance program, professional development, and mentorship opportunities. Endeavor NWA Entrepreneurs Hire local support staff to coordinate and collaborate with other Kansas City entrepreneurial support organizations to increase access to entrepreneurship for later stage companies. Greater Kansas City LINC, Inc. Develop a mechanism to collaborate with state agencies and build community coalitions to engage with policymakers to promote workforce and career development and entrepreneurship initiatives. Growing Futures Early Education Center, Inc. Develop and offer a more robust career development program for families utilizing Head Start services, including career planning, communication studies, citizenship preparation, financial literacy, and key life skills. Guadalupe Centers, Inc. Strengthen workforce and vocational training and services to provide industry-recognized certifications and create stronger partnerships with employers through the newly created leadership position(s). High Aspirations, Incorporated Develop an app to improve communications between mentors and participants, track career and educational progress of youth, and engage alumni. Independence Regional Ennovation Center, Inc. Improve operational systems, including fundraising efforts, to support entrepreneurship programming and establish a second location to accommodate larger startups. Journey To New Life, Inc. Funding for development activities and improvement of operational systems to scale impact of helping people in the justice system reenter the workforce. Kansas City Kansas School Foundation for Excellence Build staffing and technology solutions to support future fundraising and marketing for programs related to college access and completion. Kansas City Museum Foundation, Inc. Implement a model workforce and career development initiative to interest students in careers in the humanities and museum sciences. Kansas City Public Library Develop a comprehensive services and facilities plan for all KCPL facilities, including a plan for community input regarding workforce development needs and feedback on digital access services from the library. KC Can Compost Support for staffing, workforce partnership development, and program expansion of the Green Core Training Program, a certified pre-apprenticeship program that serves vulnerable populations. Kids Win Missouri Support for community-driven strategic planning to develop a Community Child Care Exchange that addresses the lack of available infant and toddler spots and identifies ways to develop the childcare worker pipeline in Kansas City. Mid-America Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Support for outreach and educational programming to strengthen businesses owned by LGBTQ+ people and their allies. Mid-Coast Radio Project Create a producer training program to improve onboarding, operational processes, and professional development for staff, volunteers, and board members. MoKan 20/20 Vision, Inc. Rebrand, upgrade the CRM system, and expand volunteer capacity to better engage students in opportunities that develop critical workforce agilities and prepare them for college and career decisions. National Center for Civic Innovation Working with the National Center for Civic Innovation as their fiscal sponsor, the President’s Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration is enhancing its Higher Education and Immigration Portal, including Kansas and Missouri state pages. This initiative aims to improve user experiences and support increased college access and completion rates for immigrant-origin students. National Institute for Construction Excellence Develop better financial structures to support long-term growth, launch a CRM system, increase stakeholder communications, and create a brand identity focused on workforce and career development in the construction trades. NAWBO Institute for Entrepreneurial Development Create a customized, AI-powered search engine to enable users to navigate resources to further their entrepreneurial journey. Northeast Community Center Establish new partnerships, expand evaluation of Harmony Project, and deepen engagement with students and parents to connect them with college and workforce opportunities. Pathway Financial Education Expand financial training programs for entrepreneurs through increasing staff, improving technology, and incorporating a bilingual platform for non-English speaking entrepreneurial students. Pawsperity, Inc. Increase employer connections for program graduates, marketing funding, and strategic planning for revenue diversification. Police Athletic League of KCKS Formalize the Youth Employer Connection Program to bolster paid workforce opportunities for Wyandotte County youth by establishing partnerships with local corporations, engaging youth through site visits, mentorship, and hands-on training. PrincipalsConnect Recruit volunteers and expand volunteer training to connect retired and semi-retired professionals to urban Kansas City school principals for collaborate on teacher retention and morale challenges. Prospect Business Association Develop a comprehensive marketing plan, upgraded financial management systems, and professional development for staff to better serve entrepreneurs. Red Tail Academy, Inc. Expand programming inspiring youth to pursue careers in aviation through training and mentorship and creation of a fundraising plan and consistent revenue stream. Sisters in Christ Refresh strategic plan in response to recent growth to include workforce preparation and training, diversify fundraising strategies, and formalize internal accounting system. Strategic Workforce Development Inc. Grow program capacity and expand services, training, and support for workforce and career development, including the creation of a new curriculum for youth and data evaluation systems. Support Kansas City, Inc. Strengthen organizational effectiveness by increasing staff, fortifying its Board Diversity Initiative, and improving operational and technology processes. Teach for America, Inc. Increase organizational reach and participant diversity by reducing the financial burdens related to teaching certification in the Kansas City metro area. Teachers Like Me Expand programming to recruit high school and junior college students to be teachers by providing tutoring, mentorship, and stipends as well as increasing the number of teachers receiving ongoing professional development, and scale fundraising efforts. The Curators of the University of Missouri Enhance program technology and language access of the current entrepreneurial curriculum to better serve and support Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs. The Foundation for Delta Educational and Economic Development Undergo strategic planning to identify expansion opportunities and ways to increase revenue streams as well as expansion of programming related to workforce development and college access. The Gem Theater Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Inc. Expose youth to careers in media technology by enhancing information technology and operational systems, and ISTEAMKC programming. The Sewing Labs Purchase sewing equipment for entrepreneurial trainings and upgrade internal and external-facing systems to better track entrepreneurial outcomes. Toolbox, Inc. Internal infrastructure related to finance, evaluation, resource development, and operating systems to expand services for Spanish speaking entrepreneurs in Wyandotte County and develop a fundraising strategy for long-term sustainability. Transition Academy Enhance operational systems, focus groups and research, and redesign the Transition Academy website to create a central hub for disability transition resources related to workforce and career development. Uncover KC Develop Real World Learning projects, internships, and career awareness events to increase pathways to workforce and career development. University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute Expand the Birth Equity Scholars Program for OBGYN residents and increased collaboration with Black birthing families, birth workers, and healthcare providers. Youth Volunteer Corps Undergo strategic planning, develop an alumni engagement plan, and create curriculum units related to career development for youth. Next Our Culture Foundation hires five directors to new positions October 21, 2024 Kansas City A commitment to community and conversation October 2, 2024 57:21 Economic Opportunity Foundation relaunches grantmaking strategy to close economic mobility gaps September 13, 2024