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Thank you for your interest in working with the Kauffman Foundation to prepare people for success in their jobs and careers so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve financial stability, upward mobility, and economic prosperity.

Our funding is focused on these strategic priorities: increasing college access and completion, strengthening career and workforce opportunities, and improving business ownership. Learn more about the strategy driving our work through 2035 >

2024 Transitional Grantmaking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please review the following FAQs for more information about our approach to 2024 transitional grantmaking as we prepare to open our 2025 grants portal toward the end of the year.

For the second round of transitional grants, eligible applicants will be notified by email by May 20 with instructions regarding the application process. Kauffman Foundation impact officers will guide applicants individually through this process.

No, applicants are not automatically approved for funding. Eligible organizations are given the opportunity to apply, but acceptance is subject to approval.

Yes. Future funding opportunities are not related to whether an organization applies, does not apply, receives, or does not receive transitional funding.

Because the transitional grants are designed for immediate needs in the short-term, we must adhere to strict deadlines to distribute the funding in a timely manner. Eligible applicants who miss the deadline to apply for transitional grants will not be able to submit a late application. Please note all deadlines carefully.

No. Some eligible organizations are located outside the Kansas City region.

In most cases, yes, your impact officer will remain the same for any awarded transitional grants. Eligible organizations will receive email communication from their designated impact officer by May 20.

No. Eligibility status for transitional grants does not indicate eligibility status for future funding. Please continue to check the Kauffman website for future funding opportunities.

Our goal is to notify all accepted applicants by late June.

Reporting requirements for transitional funding include one final report and an optional final site visit. Additional details will be provided by your impact officer.

Transitional grants are designed as short-term grants. Your grant award letter will specify the exact date the grant closes. For additional details, eligible organizations may contact their designated impact officer.

We evaluated organizations based on several criteria, including current funding status. Organizations with active grants are not eligible for transitional grants.

You are being contacted about transitional grants because your organization is a current grantee or a grantee whose funding ended within the last year. To increase transparency about the short-term funding opportunity, the Foundation sent emails to eligible and to non-eligible organizations to inform them about transitional grants.

Deep conversations and many planning sessions thoughtfully charted the development of a strategic refresh that will guide the Foundation for the next 10 years. Learn more about the plan by visiting our strategy page >

We are currently working on the details for our future funding opportunities, which we plan to announce in Fall 2024.

Sponsorships are not part of the transitional grants portfolio. Transitional grants should not include requests for sponsorship dollars because sponsorship requests are fulfilled differently due to IRS definitions and regulations. Learn more about our sponsorships >

Due to the short-term, one-time nature of our transitional grants, we are unable to consider appeals at this time. Please stay up-to-date on future grant opportunities by visiting our website or signing up for our newsletter.


A limited amount of funds are dedicated every year to sponsor events in the Kansas City area that connect people and raise funding for vital programs. Funding decisions are based on alignment to Kauffman Foundation priorities, a focus on racial equity, and available budget at the time of the request.

  • Sponsorships typically range from $1,000 to $10,000 depending on the size of the event and the benefits associated with the sponsorship.
  • Sponsorships are intended to support organizations and programs that align with the strategic focus of the Foundation, but are not currently receiving Foundation funding.
  • Current grantees are not eligible for sponsorship due to the limited budget; however, grantees with a special anniversary event (example – centennial celebration of the organization) will be considered.
  • One request per Kansas City-based organization will be considered per year.
  • Requests for sponsorship must be at least eight weeks in advance of the event to ensure adequate review time by our team.

Because the IRS defines sponsorships differently from grants, each request must also be accompanied by a sponsorship benefits listing so the Foundation will be in compliance.

Other Resources

Our list of other resources for individuals and organizations may provide additional guidance and options for funding of your project.