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The historical Kauffman Index microdata file for each year includes more than 650,000 observations for U.S. adults. The variables include entrepreneurship, age, race, gender, immigrant status, education, industry, state of residence, and many additional work, demographic, and geographical characteristics.

Mayors Conference

Please note that the following content is specific to the 2018 Mayors Conference on Entrepreneurship. Updates for the 2020 convening can be found here. In 2018, more than 142 city officials, including 102 mayors, attended the Mayors Conference on Entrepreneurship in Kansas City, Missouri. The themes of the conference included: mayors understanding their own data […]

In 2017, the Kauffman Foundation awarded grants to five nonprofit organizations to form the backbone of the Entrepreneurs’ Policy Network. As the cohort continues to expand and involve other organizations that support entrepreneurs, it has formed into a community of practice that provides training, support, and peer-learning for entrepreneurship advocates. To select the grant recipients, […]

As a part of the Kauffman Foundation’s work to improve the quality of research on entrepreneurship, we supported a variety of scholarly training and development activities across the United States. Typically these training opportunities happened as a part of academic annual meetings or at smaller, regional meetings with a heavy focus on doctoral scholars. The […]

Derek Ozkal

Derek Ozkal is a senior research officer for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where he leads problem-based grantmaking initiatives. Ozkal manages a portfolio of research projects and provides thought leadership on key issues, including the changing nature of entrepreneurship, the “future of work,” declining business dynamism, and developing a holistic and inclusive research community. Prior […]

Urge your local representatives and senators to support entrepreneurs Too many are left out of our economy. The long-term decline in entrepreneurship has dragged down productivity, wages and living standards for all Americans. Put simply—fewer startups mean a lower quality of life. We need to eliminate barriers for anyone who has an idea to start and grow a business, […]

The Kauffman Foundation creates data overviews that provide guidance on how to use certain datasets. The data overviews serve several purposes: 1. Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE) Data Overview The Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE) data provides a snapshot of select economic and demographic characteristics of employer firms and business owners in 2014 by the 2-digit 2012 North […]

The Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship (KDF) was an annual competitive program that awarded up to 20 Dissertation Fellowship grants of $20,000 each to Ph.D., D.B.A., or other doctoral students at accredited U.S. universities to support dissertations in the area of entrepreneurship from 2003-2018. From its establishment in 2003, the KDF supported 208 dissertations on various topics […]

ESHIP Summit

The ESHIP Summit 2017 was the Kauffman Foundation’s inaugural global gathering of leaders working to facilitate and spread entrepreneurship through the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. 450 attendees from 48 states and 9 countries – entrepreneurs, mayors, economic developers, grassroots community leaders, university leaders, academics, philanthropists, corporate leaders, and media – collaborated to create actionable plans […]

Mayors Conference

The ESHIP Summit 2017 was the Kauffman Foundation’s inaugural global gathering of leaders working to facilitate and spread entrepreneurship through the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. 450 attendees from 48 states and 9 countries – entrepreneurs, mayors, economic developers, grassroots community leaders, university leaders, academics, philanthropists, corporate leaders, and media – collaborated to create actionable plans […]