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The Kauffman Foundation established the Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship Research in 2008 to recognize tenured or tenure-track junior faculty members at accredited U.S. universities who are beginning to establish a record of scholarship and exhibit the potential to make significant contributions to the body of research in the field of entrepreneurship.

Work in Our Backyard By Gloria Jackson-Leathers, Director of Kansas City Civic Engagement, Kauffman Foundation Our communities are the canvases for vivid memories, colorful lives, and bright futures. During his lifetime, Ewing Kauffman saw Kansas City as a place full of possibilities. His passion and commitment to his hometown have enriched the lives of both children […]

What does it take to trip up the typical, refuse the usual, confuse conventional? Those are the questions raised by our new video, which explores what it means to be uncommon. The truth is, there aren’t simple answers to those questions. Uncommon is a quality that is more easily recognized than it is defined. Complex […]

2017 ESHIP Summit

Please note that the following content is specific to the 2017 ESHIP Summit. Updates for the 2020 convening can be found here. The ESHIP Summit 2017 was the Kauffman Foundation’s inaugural global gathering of leaders working to facilitate and spread entrepreneurship through the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. 450 attendees from 48 states and 9 countries—entrepreneurs, mayors, economic developers, grassroots community leaders, […]

Reader Response: Is hard work alone enough?

We asked our readers to respond to the American ideal that anyone can pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Here’s what they had to say.

Knowledge, drive, and grit know no racial or socioeconomic boundaries. If ecosystem builders can intentionally extend entrepreneurship into “have-not” communities, we can positively impact our economy and, perhaps even more importantly, the people who deserve a chance to succeed. Read: The Future of Entrepreneurship: An ESHIP Summit Recap | Galvanize > SourceLink partnered and spent […]

John Tyler

General Counsel, Secretary, and Chief Ethics Officer, Legal

We know how and why we collaborate on our way to find consensus. The next challenge will be to apply the principles that matter to move us to new sense of place where collaboration can happen on a much larger scale. Think of your place as a series of concentric circles with you in the […]

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building Playbook

Published in 2019, the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Playbook 3.0 shares some of the Summit community’s collective learning and progress following the 2018 ESHIP Summit. It builds on earlier learnings from the ESHIP Summit series and sets goals for collective efforts to explore and progress the ecosystem building field of practice. Based on learning over the past […]