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Jenny Poon

Jenny Poon has a unique perspective on student debt, as the child of immigrant parents who had to bootstrap her way to success through the American system.

The extremes have defined us for too long We live in a nation where public discourse is increasingly strident and whose loudest voices are typically at the extremes. Yet we are by nature a more moderate nation, and it’s time to reclaim the middle ground. The middle ground is too often dismissed as unremarkable, when […]

These seven goals will serve as the foundation for our collective action and build the tenants of the ecosystem building field. Goal 1: Inclusive FieldEnsure ecosystem builders with diverse perspectives lead our field. Goal 2: Collaborative CultureCultivate a culture of trust and collaboration within our field. Goal 3: Shared VisionEstablish shared outcomes and a common […]

During the State of Entrepreneurship Address, more than 3,400 messages were sent to members of Congress and policymakers in 48 states and the District of Columbia, urging legislators to support entrepreneurship in all its forms wherever it exists by removing barriers in the path of entrepreneurs.

Foreign Born Entrepreneurs

Cities that understand the significant economic and cultural contributions of foreign-born entrepreneurs are combating obstacles created by U.S. visa restrictions by participating in a program that breaks down barriers to welcome those who want to contribute to their communities.

Native American communities seek the tools and capital support required for education, new business development, and sustainable job creation.

By Aaron North, Vice President, Education, Kauffman Foundation Every student should be able to attend a quality public school. Admittedly, that is easier said than done, though I have yet to meet someone who disagrees with that sentiment. Too many students, particularly lower-income students in urban and rural communities, are entering adulthood without the fundamental reading, […]