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Ewing Kauffman leaves a sales job to start his own venture and he never looks back. He has an engaging manner, charm, and gleaming blue eyes. He emerges as a legendary pharmaceutical salesman, challenges a motivated team of associates, and becomes the epitome of American entrepreneurship. Ewing answers an ad for a pharmaceutical salesman because […]

The damaging impact of the current government shutdown on entrepreneurship will far-outlast its record-setting duration.

Zero Barriers: Three Mega Trends Shaping the Future of Entrepreneurship | 2017 State of Entrepreneurship Address

The 8th annual State of Entrepreneurship Address discussed the resurgence of entrepreneurship in the United States, but also that three megatrends must be taken into account to reverse the longer term decline of startups.

2017 State of Entrepreneurship Address:Zero Barriers Wendy GuilliesPresident and CEOEwing Marion Kauffman FoundationFebruary 16, 2017 Good morning. Thank you for being with us today.  It’s not hard to be inspired in this building, and with this view. I’m looking out and seeing the Lincoln Memorial. President Lincoln was a great leader and visionary.  Throughout the darkest […]

Victor Hwang TEDxAugusta talk

At TEDx Augusta, Victor Hwang, vice president of Entrepreneurship, offered four insights into what we know about entrepreneurship and shared ideas for how to support the makers, doers, and dreamers.