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The share of individuals engaged in alternative work arrangements compared to the traditional full-time, 9-to-5 job in 2015 was 15.8 percent, up from 10.1 percent a decade earlier. What does this structural change in the labor market mean for the entrepreneurial economy?

As corporations identify challenges within their operations, corporate leaders are increasingly looking to young, startup entrepreneurs for dynamic thinking and innovative problem solving. There is a shifting corporate culture to expand in-house solutions to a more open and collaborative environment, and the startup-corporate connection is a mutually beneficial partnership.

Making Entrepreneurial Growth Vibrant Again

Kauffman Foundation Director of Research and Policy E.J. Reedy addresses members of the U.S. House of Representatives regarding the role of entrepreneurship in creating economic opportunities for Americans. E.J. Reedy Director of Research and Policy Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Making Entrepreneurial Growth Vibrant Again July 28, 2015 Congressman Hoyer and other distinguished members of the […]

While many startup success stories like Facebook did not involve accelerators, most entrepreneurs now consider them part of the start and scale journey. This has driven demand for the launch of hundreds of accelerator programs around the world, prompting us to question how differences across accelerator programs influence startup performance.

A yellow hot air balloon

The recent Global Entrepreneurship Congress brought to light new insights for policymakers as to how the world can develop more robust ecosystems for our entrepreneurs and their investors and supporters.

The gig economy highlights some emerging trends: changes in the nature of work, firm structure and formation, production, and consumption.

The Kauffman Foundation put out a call for proposals for research in Women’s Entrepreneurship earlier this year as a part of our New Entrepreneurial Growth Initiative. This post summarizes the research the Foundation chose to fund.