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Kauffman Trends in Entrepreneurship: Are We Back? Early Stage Entrepreneurship Trends Two Years Into the COVID Pandemic

The landscape of entrepreneurship has changed dramatically since the emergence of COVID-19. In this brief, we highlight some of these changes based on findings from the Kauffman Early-Stage Entrepreneurship Indicators – a set of measures that track new business creation in the United States going back more than 25 years. We also examine how trends during COVID-19 compare to trends during the Great Recession.

Mr. Kauffman shakes hands with a student in a classroom.

It all starts with access to opportunity for people to improve their lives. The Kauffman Foundation provides access to opportunities that help people achieve financial stability, upward mobility, and economic prosperity – regardless of race, gender, or geography. Everything we do is grounded in the generosity and love for Kansas City that Mr. Kauffman infused […]

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSYSTEMS IN ACTION: PRACTICES FROM THE FIELD Key Practice This brief outlines an example of how one organization leveraged state policy to address the perennial problem of access to capital for entrepreneurs. By financing a revolving loan fund, the program became a robust platform for entrepreneurial ecosystem development. This story explores three practices that when […]