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Elizabeth MacBride

Experienced business writer and editor Elizabeth MacBride took a risk to show how vital unsung entrepreneurs and small businesses are to the U.S. economy and became an entrepreneur herself. Then, the coronavirus hit.

Ajamu Webster

While the share of new Black entrepreneurs has steadily increased, the pandemic has dealt Black business owners, specifically, a blow that only magnifies the inequities built into the American economy. Black business owners in Kansas City, like entrepreneurs across the country, are managing the reality of now – and the history that got us here.

Capital Access Lab logo

The Capital Access Lab has invested $3.4 million in six funds to date, catalyzing at least an additional $166 million in investments. “Your gender, where you live, or the color of your skin should not determine whether you can start a business,” said Philip Gaskin, vice president of Entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation. “The Capital […]

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSISTEMAS EN ACCIÓN: PRÁCTICAS DESDE EL TERRENO El siguiente artículo ha sido traducido de la versión original en inglés. Por favor tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de los links y recursos proporcionados en el artículo son en inglés al menos que sean etiquetados ‘en español’ en la sección de Recursos. Practicas Claves Este informe describe […]

Respondents agreed with many of the options we provided for systems that need addressing, but in general were skeptical about this country’s ability to change.

Historically, research on entrepreneurship and innovation has rarely been conducted using community-engaged methodologies – even in work that seeks to address barriers to entrepreneurship in systemically marginalized communities. We believe that including the voices of entrepreneurs in the research process may produce more nuanced and robust findings that, ultimately, can serve as the basis for programs and policies that could truly change the landscape of entrepreneurship in the United States.

Philip Gaskin

Even in times of distress, entrepreneurs will step up to help build community with interdependence as its foundation. A community of new rituals and habits, of well-being, and with the commitment to fair play that invests in all of its people, and especially those who have been left out and left behind.