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Will They Stay or Will They Go? International STEM Students in the United States are Up for Grabs after Graduation

The United States stands to lose valuable economic contributors unless it removes immigration barriers to international STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) students who earn advanced degrees here, according to a study released today by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. International Ph.D. students in the United States on temporary visas accounted for nearly two-fifths (39 […]

Panel of speakers at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in 2016

While the notion that you must be in Silicon Valley to be a successful startup is thankfully less common these days, all eyes were on the region when U.S. President Barack Obama gathered more than 1000 international entrepreneurs and investors at Stanford University for a landmark summit that included some of the biggest founder brands in the space.

Entrepreneurial Growth – After Startup

In this recorded webinar, Kauffman Foundation experts share data and insights on how growth entrepreneurship is faring in your city and state and get insights on how to strengthen growth entrepreneurship in your ecosystem.

The share of individuals engaged in alternative work arrangements compared to the traditional full-time, 9-to-5 job in 2015 was 15.8 percent, up from 10.1 percent a decade earlier. What does this structural change in the labor market mean for the entrepreneurial economy?

The Economic Impact of High-Growth Startups | Entrepreneurship Policy Digest

High-growth firms are a rare phenomenon in entrepreneurship that have a big impact on the economy. This Entrepreneurship Policy Digest offers insights on how to create fertile ground for growth.

Design thinking is a tool many organizations are adopting to promote a culture of innovation. Follow this for five steps to apply design thinking to your organization.