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The gig economy highlights some emerging trends: changes in the nature of work, firm structure and formation, production, and consumption.

Just how much impact can one university have on the global economy. Apparently, quite a bit. A new December 2015 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reports that MIT’s alumni entrepreneurs generate annual revenues of roughly $1.9 trillion.

The Kauffman Foundation put out a call for proposals for research in Women’s Entrepreneurship earlier this year as a part of our New Entrepreneurial Growth Initiative. This post summarizes the research the Foundation chose to fund.

Entrepreneurship education increasing in American schools

Earlier this year, the Kauffman Foundation reported that millennials were the most educated generation and that they were the most exposed to entrepreneurship education based on the number of college courses on the subject. Last week, Junior Achievement released a new study showing that the increase goes beyond college campuses.

As a scholar, it can be hard to make sure your research is available in an aggregated, easy-to-find format. There are some tools out there that can build and promote your digital academic research footprint. All are free, and most only take a few minutes of your time to set up and maintain.