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In order to better understand the functioning of entrepreneurship ecosystems, Kauffman researcher Colin Tomkins-Bergh has been investigating entrepreneurship ecosystems from a ground-level perspective along with aggregated datasets.

Shortchanging Small Business,

An analysis of more than 4,200 economic development incentive awards in fourteen states finds that large companies receive dominant shares: 70 percent of the deals and 90 percent of the dollars. The deals, worth more than $3.2 billion, were granted by programs that are facially accessible to both small and large companies. That is the […]

Crowdfunding is opening up large amounts of early stage capital for entrepreneurs. As regulators struggle to write new rules for this exploding phenomenon, they might do well to crowdsource their own questions and experiences.

Young companies face bigger challenges when bidding for government contracts. Yet, until recently, procurement reform has been absent from the discussion table when policymakers debate the role of government in supporting startups.

City, Metro, and Regional Entrepreneurship series

The Kauffman Foundation Research Series on City, Metro, and Regional Entrepreneurship consists of reports that explore the entrepreneurial ecosystems of medium-tier cities, as well as ways to measure and support entrepreneurial ecosystems. Reports in the series include:

Enabling Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Insights from Ecology to Inform Effective Entrepreneurship Policy

Inspired by research on the importance of entrepreneurship for sustained economic growth and improved well-being, many governments and non-governmental grant-making organizations have sought over the past decade to implement policies and programs intended to support entrepreneurs.  Over this interval, growing appreciation of the limits of strategies focused narrowly on financing or training entrepreneurs has prompted […]