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Examining the Connections within the Startup Ecosystem: A Case Study of St. Louis

The recent growth of the startup scene and entrepreneurial community in St. Louis is incredibly exciting. It means economic progress for the St. Louis region and more jobs available for St. Louis citizens. Many newly formed local assets, such as ITEN, T-Rex, and Arch Grants, are laying a foundation that will have impact for decades […]

Dane Stangler at the Roosevelt Institute

With support from the Kauffman Foundation, the Roosevelt Institute’s Next American Economy project identifies the trends and challenges that will shape our economy in the next twenty-five years to better inform the policy decisions we must make today. While politicians and scholars often are driven by short-term policy demands, the Next American Economy project takes […]

Through the years, men and women have pursued their entrepreneurial path in the Kansas City region.  Along the way, they have created new goods and services and changed the ways we live, work and play.

Immigration and Entrepreneurship Research from the National Foundation for American Policy - NFAP series

The National Foundation for American Policy has conducted a variety of Kauffman Foundation-funded research studies that examine immigration and its effects on entrepreneurship and economic development in the United States. Each paper offers findings and insights on topics ranging from immigrant cancer research contributions to green card access.

NFAP Policy Brief: The Increasing Importance of Immigrants to Science and Engineering in America

Immigrants have played an increasingly important role in contributing to science and engineering advancements in America, according to a Kauffman Foundation-funded National Foundation for American Policy report. While, historically, immigrants have always made valuable contributions to the country, objective measures indicate those contributions have increased significantly since the 1960s (when major restrictions on immigration were […]

NFAP Policy Brief: House and Senate Legislation on High Skill Immigration

A Kauffman-funded National Foundation for American Policy report finds that key parts of pending immigration bills would open the door wider to highly skilled individuals. The analysis shows that if Congress takes up immigration reform legislation later in 2014, employers and the U.S. economy would benefit from several provisions on high-skilled immigration in House and […]