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Lessons for U.S. Metro Areas: Characteristics of High-Tech Immigrant Entrepreneurs

An open and culturally diverse environment helps promote high-tech entrepreneurship among both immigrants and the U.S.-born, according to a new research report released today by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Immigrant-owned businesses, the study shows, are more likely to locate in ethnically diverse metro areas that have high foreign-born populations. That’s important for metro areas […]

Stimulating Entrepreneurial Growth | Entrepreneurship Policy Digest

Our new two-year initiative to develop a New Entrepreneurial Growth Agenda aims to address growing challenges in new business creation and economic dynamism.

Entrepreneurship Policy Digests

As a leading funder of economic research through the lens of entrepreneurship and education, the Kauffman Foundation compiles summaries of findings around relevant policy issues that will inform and educate lawmakers.

Missouri Charter Schools and Teacher Pension Plans: How Well Do Existing Pension Plans Serve Charter and Urban Teachers?

Note: An erratum to this report was published August 27, 2014. The initial report was inaccurate in stating that there is not reciprocity between the Missouri Public School Retirement System (PSRS) and the Kansas City Public School Retirement System (KC).The correction also examines rigidities in the transfer agreement that cause educators to face significant pension […]

Dane Stangler at the Roosevelt Institute

Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging & the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship Contrary to popular perception, entrepreneurship is not exclusive to the young and hip. With that message, Kauffman Foundation Vice President of Research and Policy, Dane Stangler, provided testimony to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging & […]

Who Started New Business in 2013

Although the United States’ economic upturn remains modest, two indicators from the second annual Kauffman Foundation/LegalZoom survey of entrepreneurs indicated greater confidence in 2013. Small business owners reported lenders providing increased access to credit over the last 12 months, and a greater willingness from the entrepreneurs themselves to put personal savings toward new business ventures. […]

The Most Entrepreneurial Metropolitan Area?

This paper, released at the first-ever Mayors Conference during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013, reports on federal government data – available to the public for the first time – on business startups at the metropolitan area level. By decomposing into four population size classes, the report can provide more effective peer-to-peer comparisons of Metropolitan Statistical Areas […]