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Sources of Financing for New Technology Firms: A Comparison by Gender

Credit card debt often fills startup firms’ equity gap, but those with continuing high balances have reduced likelihood of success, according to this report.

The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur series

Although entrepreneurs provide the majority of jobs in the United States, little is known about what makes them tick. The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur fills in some gaps by providing insights into high-growth founders’ motivations, their socio-economic, educational, and familial backgrounds, as well as their views on the factors determining the success of start-ups. 

The Coming Entrepreneurship Boom

This research indicated the United States might be on the cusp of an entrepreneurship boom—not in spite of an aging population but because of it.

Right Sizing the U.S. Venture Capital Industry

This short paper considers one aspect of the future of the venture capital industry, its size. How big should it be in terms of the aggregate underlying financial commitment to venture partnerships? Does it need to be larger to better equip entrepreneurs to solve the important problems we as a society face? Should it be smaller to take more risks, drive higher returns, and thus keep investors satisfied? How should we think about the role of venture capital in the future? 

The Economic Future Just Happened

According to this study, challenging economic times can serve as the rebirth of entrepreneurial capitalism, leading to the creation of much-needed new jobs.

The Capital Structure Decisions of New Firms

According to this study, nearly 75 percent of most firms’ startup capital is made up in equal parts of owner equity and bank loans and/or credit card debt, underscoring the importance of liquid credit markets to the formation and success of new firms.

Education and Tech Entrepreneurship

This report discusses the results of a survey of 652 U.S.-born chief executive officers and heads of product development in 502 engineering and technology companies established from 1995 through 2005 to determine qualities of US-born tech entrepreneurs.

Business Dynamics Statistics: an Overview

 Excerpt from the overview: The Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) includes measures of establishment openings and closings, firm startups, job creation and destruction by firm size, age, and industrial sector, and several other statistics on business dynamics. The U.S. economy is comprised of more than 6 million establishments with paid employees. The population of these businesses […]