Diversifying the Entrepreneurship Research Pipeline: Emerging Learnings from 2020 Knowledge Challenge Grantees In our 2020 Knowledge Challenge RFP, we piloted an investment in five projects that seek to increase diversity in the pipeline of researchers who study entrepreneurship. In this forum, we will hear updates from these five project teams who have increased mentorship and networking opportunities, developed innovative curriculum, and put communities and researchers together in close conversation in an effort to increase the range of perspectives and experiences informing entrepreneurship research. Watch the full forum below.
Diversity and Inclusion in the Entrepreneurship Research Community Panelists focus on how systemic inequities in higher education shape the researchers who study entrepreneurship, and ultimately the topics they pursue and the knowledge they produce. Watch the full forum below.
Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs: Removing Barriers (2021) October 15, 2021 The need for access to opportunity, funding, knowledge, and support is greater than ever before to ensure that historically underserved entrepreneurs are able to access the capital required to survive and thrive.
To find career success, students need more real-world skills October 12, 2021 That said, recent surveys show there’s still debate about which skills students should learn and the value of a college degree.
How bringing real change to Kansas City students has national implications October 12, 2021 A new case study reveals the keys to the progress of a regional Real World Learning initiative.
Growing local economies by scaling entrepreneurship September 30, 2021 New IEDC initiative introduces entrepreneurship credentials for economic development pros.
A case for Real World Learning Re-examining the high school experience Students, parents, and employers feel that a high school diploma no longer signifies graduates are prepared for the real world, nor for the changing demands of the future of work. But what do graduates need to be successful in life and learning after high school? In Kansas City, education, business, civic […]
Rebuilding Better RFP The 2022 Rebuilding Better Request for Proposals is a two-year grant initiative that will execute policy engagement and entrepreneur advocacy projects in a variety of activities that will influence policy change at all levels and work towards a more supportive and inclusive environment for entrepreneurs.
Our readers speak out: Fix the gender wage gap and corral more support for women September 8, 2021 As the nation celebrates Labor Day this week, American workers who make one of the largest contributions to the economy continue to pay a price. Our readers call out the career obstacles and wage penalties facing women, and they offer creative solutions for changing the system.
Inclusive Prosperity Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship Panelists discuss the research, policies, and programs at the intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship, and inclusive prosperity. Watch the full forum below.