School mental health ignores my Blackness July 26, 2021 The racial identity of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color students (BIPOC) has been disregarded in school resources and conversations about mental health for far too long. It is time for education leaders to rethink their approach to student mental health so BIPOC student voices can be heard safely and authentically as a valued part of their school communities.
Building a Cross-Sector Regional Coalition to Strengthen Ecosystem Collaboration ECOSYSTEMS IN ACTION: PRACTICES FROM THE FIELD Key Practice This brief outlines an example of the practice of building a cross-sector regional coalition to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystem collaboration. Coalition building is defined as bringing together “a group of individuals and/or organizations with a common interest who agree to work together toward a common goal,” and […]
Women talk truth about their crucial role in the American economy and the inequitable expectation to ‘carry it all’ July 12, 2021 In a series of three conversations, women entrepreneurs and women who work in entrepreneur support, come together to discuss the significant impact of women on the economy; what personal and policy support could do for women and families struggling to combine career and caregiving; and, how all of it manifests in their own lives.
Student Loans and Entrepreneurship: Current Landscape and Policy Considerations Panelists discuss recent research on the relationship between student loan debt and entrepreneurship, and what this might mean for policies and programs. Watch the full forum below.
Supporting Entrepreneurship, Supporting Families: Considerations for Policy and Interventions around Caregiving Panelists discuss how caregiving affects who becomes an entrepreneur, the trajectory of entrepreneurship outcomes, and what this means for entrepreneurship support interventions. Watch the full forum below.
Health Status, Health Care Access, and their Impact on Entrepreneurship: Landscape and Policy Considerations Panelists discuss what role both physical and mental health play in the entrepreneurial process, and the ways in which access to health care intersects with entrepreneurship. Watch the full forum below.
To launch the next generation of entrepreneurs, innovators in finance need to step up June 30, 2021 A journalist and venture capitalist found plenty of inspiration while writing their book on Black, brown, and women entrepreneurs, but also systems that need changing if these new founders are to succeed.
LGBTQ+ community must have access to real economic opportunity, which entrepreneurship can provide June 29, 2021 Former mayor of West Sacramento, California, Christopher Cabaldon says cities and towns that break down systemic barriers to entrepreneurship will benefit from creating access to real economic opportunity, which can help the LGBTQ+ community.
Entrepreneurship and COVID-19: Reflections on the Past Year Panelists discuss how the landscape is changing for entrepreneurship in the United States and what this means for policymakers and entrepreneurship support organizations in the months and years ahead. Watch the full forum below.