Reshaping the future of work for a post-pandemic world April 19, 2021 Experts in education, business, and entrepreneurship discuss how the global pandemic has magnified the need for more inclusive education systems and employment practices as systems adapt to rapidly changing workforce requirements.
Who is the Entrepreneur? The Changing Diversity of New Entrepreneurs in the United States, 1996–2020 April 13, 2021 Is entrepreneurship becoming more diverse in the United States? This brief details trends in the share of new entrepreneurs by sex, race and ethnicity, age, and nativity in the U.S. between 1996 and 2020.
From Incarceration to Entrepreneurship for Returning Citizens: Current Landscape and Policy Considerations Co-organized by the Kauffman Foundation and Rashawn Ray of the Brookings Institution, panelists discuss returning citizens and the economy – including job creation and innovation, motivations for starting a business, implications for communities, as well as policy priorities and lessons from entrepreneurship support interventions. Watch the full forum below.
Entrepreneurship Issue Forums Entrepreneurship Issue Forums provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to come together to share evidence and insights on specific topics related to entrepreneurship. Forum speakers highlight what we know from research and what this means for policy and practice. They also bring to light the experiences of entrepreneurs and those working to support them. […]
Meet the America’s New Business Plan RFP grantees The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation funded nine entrepreneurship advocates to inform local, regional, and national policy debates with the voices of entrepreneurs.
Current Grantees Find below information, guides, and resources to reference during your time as a Kauffman Foundation grantee, including accessing your account and grants reporting. If you have any questions, please contact your program officer or contact us. Access your account We have an online system that allows grantees to submit proposals, track the status of pending proposals, review past and […]
With greater access, more Black entrepreneurs would thrive April 6, 2021 Panelists at SXSW discuss opportunities for systemic changes that would allow more people of color to be full participants in the economy.
New Employer Business Indicators in the United States: National and State Trends (2020) April 1, 2021 The Kauffman New Employer Business Indicators series provides users with measures to track trends surrounding the emergence of new employer businesses, their representation in the population and among all firms, and the time it takes these businesses to become employers. Explore the national and state trends from 2020.
New Employer Business Trends: A Methodological Note April 1, 2021 The New Employer Business Indicators have been compiled in an effort to provide information on new employer businesses, a subset of all entrepreneurial activity. The series provides users with measures to estimate and track trends in the emergence of these businesses, their representation in the population and among all firms, and the time it takes these businesses to make a first payroll.
Students want someone to believe in them March 22, 2021 Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke with Carlos Moreno about grace, mentorship, and equity in education – Big Picture Learning students built on the discussion with their own conversation.