Wooing Companies to Move: Are Business Incentives Worth the Cost? February 8, 2021 Economic development incentives aimed at attracting companies to a region have been a defining feature of many regional economic growth strategies. Are they worth it?
Knowledge into action: Education Fellowship serves community-driven leadership February 4, 2021 Fellows bring their experience, expand their familiarity with the local education system, and answer the call for effective advocacy.
National Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States (2020) February 1, 2021 This report presents national trends in early-stage entrepreneurship for the years 1996-2020 in the United States, as well as trends for specific demographic groups when possible.
Economic Engagement of Mothers: Entrepreneurship, Employment, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty January 14, 2021 This report takes up the relationship among motherhood, caregiving, the persistent wage penalty it carries for women, employment, and entrepreneurship.
A message from our CEO: It’s time to meet the moment January 12, 2021 The Kauffman Foundation will continue to work alongside others to push for changes needed to dismantle the broken systems of inequity that hold too many back and that prevent America from fulfilling its promise.
How Does COVID-19 Affect Challenges Facing Entrepreneurs? Trends by Business Age December 16, 2020 This brief takes a closer look at how business age matters in the way entrepreneurs feel the effects of COVID-19. It discusses challenges facing entrepreneurs before and during the pandemic, based on surveys with business owners during COVID-19 in spring 2020 and before COVID-19 in fall 2019.
2020 Uncommon Voices December 16, 2020 As 2020 comes to a close, we asked some of the fascinating people we’ve had the privilege to work with recently to share their thoughts around systems change, new “normals,” how the events 2020 have impacted them, and what it will take to keep our communities moving forward, together.
Mayors Roundtable, hosted by Sly James: Early childhood education as a tool for economic development December 15, 2020 Education is necessary for individual economic achievement. Failings in the education system directly result in economic exclusion, particularly for already vulnerable populations. The former Mayor of Kansas City, Sly James, made education a focus of his administration often argued for early childhood education would have positive impact on economic outcomes for the community as a whole. James gathered local leaders to discuss how other communities implemented early childhood education and connected it to economic growth.
Dell Gines MBA, MSF, CEcD, Senior Community Development AdvisorFederal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Uncommon Voices 2020