Angel McGee Manager of Communications and OutreachKansas City MLB Urban Youth Academy Uncommon Voices 2020
2020 Uncommon Voices As 2020 comes to a close, we asked some of the fascinating people we’ve had the privilege to work with recently to share their thoughts around systems change, new “normals,” how the events 2020 have impacted them, and what it will take to keep our communities moving forward, together. Jenny Poon, Founder/CEO, CO+HOOTS/HUUB The daughter of immigrants, […]
After generations of disinvestment, rural America might be the most innovative place in the U.S. December 14, 2020 Rural leaders, governments, and philanthropic funders who aren’t afraid to break with long-standing assumptions about the inevitability of rural decline can leverage the potential, talent, and innovative spirit of rural America to build the new Heartland.
Rural businesses strive to be destination known December 14, 2020 For some small businesses, zeroing in on their uniqueness has helped them endure 2020’s turbulence.
Who Doesn’t Start a Business in America? A Look at Pre-Entrepreneurship Leavers December 3, 2020 To understand barriers in entrepreneurship, it is useful to gain insight into who wants to, but does not, start a business – and why.
Spreading support, knowledge, and connection: Podcasting in a pandemic November 24, 2020 When entrepreneurial ecosystem builders podcast, the advice, resources, and conversations that used to happen in person between entrepreneurs, investors, and local government – still happen.
How has COVID-19 Changed Challenges for Entrepreneurs? Implications for Entrepreneurship Support November 20, 2020 This report shares findings from a spring 2020 survey of 850 entrepreneurs about their experience during the pandemic, and compares them to results from a survey of more than 400 entrepreneurs in fall 2019, prior to the pandemic.
Entrepreneurship’s ability to realize individual potential, spur the economy, and unify: A Q&A with Wendy Guillies November 19, 2020 Kauffman President and CEO, Wendy Guillies, discusses the current state of entrepreneurship, policy that supports new and small business, and the Foundation’s priorities for 2021.
Mayors Roundtable, hosted by Mark Stodola: The changing workforce amid COVID-19 and beyond November 17, 2020 In this conversation, Mark Stodola, former Mayor of Little Rock and policy leader on the future of work, is joined by Chattanooga, Tennessee Mayor Andy Berke; Huntington, West Virginia Mayor Steve Williams; Columbia, South Carolina Mayor Steve Benjamin; Des Moines, Iowa Mayor Frank Cownie; and Juliet Schor, Economist and Sociology Professor at Boston College. The discussion ranged from whether the gig-economy lived up to the hype, or did it merely exacerbate already existent issues. Also, they discussed what a prepared workforce might look like, and how that might impact entrepreneurship in cities.
The doors will not be closed on Black entrepreneurs November 17, 2020 While the share of new Black entrepreneurs has steadily increased, the pandemic has dealt Black business owners, specifically, a blow that only magnifies the inequities built into the American economy. Black business owners in Kansas City, like entrepreneurs across the country, are managing the reality of now – and the history that got us here.