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Kauffman Knowledge Challenge

The 2022 Knowledge Challenge RFP is intended to support activities that improve our understanding of entrepreneurship and generate practical, actionable, and rigorous evidence to inform decision making and change systems. 

A photo of Sarah Barrett

Dr. Sarah Barrett is a senior research officer for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. She focuses on connecting research with practice and ensuring it is relevant and actionable. Her work includes identifying opportunities to support our translational research infrastructure, including generating research content, grantmaking, and partnerships. Prior to joining the Kauffman Foundation, Dr. Barrett was […]

A still from the July 2022 Entrepreneurship Issue Forum, "Seeding Inclusive and Equitable Recovery"

In a fast-paced, and increasingly unpredictable world, how we think about recovery and who it might benefit are key to supporting resilient, inclusive economies. What can the recent rounds of federal funding teach us about the complex issues related to the design and delivery of equitable and inclusive economic recovery programs? Watch the full forum below.