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Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSISTEMAS EN ACCIÓN: PRÁCTICAS DESDE EL TERRENO El siguiente artículo ha sido traducido de la versión original en inglés. Por favor tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de los links y recursos proporcionados en el artículo son en inglés al menos que sean etiquetados ‘en español’ en la sección de Recursos. Practicas Claves Este informe describe […]

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSYSTEMS IN ACTION: PRACTICES FROM THE FIELD Key Practice This brief outlines an example of how one organization leveraged state policy to address the perennial problem of access to capital for entrepreneurs. By financing a revolving loan fund, the program became a robust platform for entrepreneurial ecosystem development. This story explores three practices that when […]

A photo of Connor Nowalk

Connor Nowalk is a senior evaluation and learning officer in Research, Learning, and Evaluation for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where he is a catalyzing advisor and translator of data into actionable information. Nowalk works with associates at all levels across the Foundation to inform decision making, support organizational learning and program/grantee reflection, and present […]

A photo of Vanessa Roanhorse

Uncommon Voices 2021 Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change? As the first people on this land, we had enough. My grandmother always reminds me that when she was growing up there was always food on the table and purpose […]

A photo of Rashawn Caruthers

Uncommon Voices 2021 Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change? We are living in a moment where everyone is forced to see the inequities experienced by traditionally underserved populations. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many […]

A photo of Dred Scott

Uncommon Voices 2021 Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change? As a community, we have all learned significant lessons forced upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. This global crisis has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to innovate with regard to existing […]