Challenges for Entrepreneurs in the Heartland June 22, 2020 How do entrepreneurs in the Heartland – Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska – perceive challenges compared to entrepreneurs nationally? We asked Heartland and nationwide entrepreneurs to rank the order of the three to five most challenging barriers from a list of 13 barriers to discover what matters most to them.
Characteristics of the Large Early 2020 Decline in New Businesses during COVID-19 June 12, 2020 This working paper analyzes one important factor of entrepreneurship – new business applications – in the first 16 weeks of 2020 and historically. Week 16 in 2020 ended on April 18.
Getting beyond the grant June 11, 2020 We come together to make sure students have backpacks and hotspots, but all the money in the world won’t solve what can be done when we partner with communities to do the hard work that can create long-lasting impact.
Rebuild better, block by block June 4, 2020 In conversation for the Social Innovation Summit, Minneapolis-based founder and CEO Tawanna Black and Kauffman’s Philip Gaskin discuss how to build a just economy where everyone is able to write their own story through entrepreneurship and business ownership to create a true American Dream.
Interest in Starting and Closing a Business: Google Searches in the COVID-19 Context June 3, 2020 Given the rapid and widespread changes in the economy due to COVID-19, internet searches may offer some insight into how people are thinking about their current economic situation. This brief looks at trends in Google searches related to entrepreneurship.
Mentoring in Entrepreneurship Support: Some Basics June 2, 2020 Mentoring is offered as a feature to support entrepreneurs in a variety of entrepreneurship support programs, including incubators, accelerators, small business chambers, and entrepreneurship education initiatives. Mentoring is a popular entrepreneurship support intervention, and it can be offered either as a main focus or as one of several features in a package of offerings.
Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States: National and State Report (2019) June 1, 2020 This report presents national and state level trends in early-stage entrepreneurship for the years 1996-2019 in the United States, as well as trends for specific demographic groups when possible.
A message from our CEO June 1, 2020 Together, we will continue with renewed energy to work with our communities to fundamentally change the outcomes of people’s lives – by addressing underlying causes, not just treating symptoms, while striving each day to be our better selves.
Challenges Along the Entrepreneurial Journey: Considerations for Entrepreneurship Supporters May 28, 2020 We asked more than 500 entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs across the United States about the challenges they face to better understand how entrepreneurship supporters can help.
Resilience in action May 28, 2020 In a time when it’s easy to feel isolated, four communities focus economic development on building strong entrepreneurial ecosystems – knowing that others are doing similar work, and are willing to share and support, makes a difference.