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A photo of Penny Lewandowski

Uncommon Voices 2021 Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change? Far too often we wait for chaos to drive change. We’re comfortable, so we convince ourselves, our employees, our board, our community, that change will fit somewhere in our future. […]

A photo of Darron Lamonte Edwards

Uncommon Voices 2021 Q: Why is now the time, and what do we “double-down” on to leverage this moment to take strides for long-lasting change? The educational community, like the rest of the world, has experienced a major paradigm shift in the way things operate. Since this is “the great reset,” we have a great […]

A photo collage of 2021 Uncommon Voices contributors

2021 Uncommon Voices Year end is a natural time to reflect. Last year, we looked at the “new normal,” how to move forward together, and how 2020 impacted us. This year, we are focused on the unique opportunity of this moment with the belief that now is the time to make positive, generational changes, to […]

Black Friday commit your commerce

This year, there’s a call to claim Black Friday to intentionally focus the day’s holiday shopping to support Black-owned businesses – but for those in the work of equitable entrepreneurship, there’s hope that this moment will be a catalyst for a long-lasting movement to create an economy that works for all of us.

JT Bird

JT Bird is a service desk analyst for Technology at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where he provides technical assistance and support related to computer systems, hardware, and software. This includes conducting diagnostic checks across systems, discovering and isolating problems, and determining and implementing technical solutions to help drive continuous improvement for help-desk metrics. Prior […]

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSISTEMAS EN ACCIÓN: PRÁCTICAS DESDE EL TERRENO El siguiente artículo ha sido traducido de la versión original en inglés. Por favor tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de los links y recursos proporcionados en el artículo son en inglés al menos que sean etiquetados ‘en español’ en la sección de Recursos. Relacionadas Desplácese a continuación I. […]

Diversifying the Entrepreneurship Research Pipeline | Entrepreneurship Issue Forum September 2021

In our 2020 Knowledge Challenge RFP, we piloted an investment in five projects that seek to increase diversity in the pipeline of researchers who study entrepreneurship. In this forum, we will hear updates from these five project teams who have increased mentorship and networking opportunities, developed innovative curriculum, and put communities and researchers together in close conversation in an effort to increase the range of perspectives and experiences informing entrepreneurship research. Watch the full forum below.