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Reader Response: Is hard work alone enough?

We asked our readers to respond to the American ideal that anyone can pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Here’s what they had to say.

Dr. Christopher Emdin

Dr. Christopher Emdin calls on educators of color to examine their essential role to impact the lives of students of color who are challenged to succeed in an education system not meant for them.

Kauffman Issue Brief: How Quickly do New Employer Businesses Hire?

Entrepreneurship is often heralded as important to the economy because of its job creation effects. These jobs come from new employer businesses, a small but important subset of entrepreneurial activity in the United States.

Chhaya Kolavalli

Dr. Chhaya Kolavalli is a senior research officer for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where she manages a portfolio directed at tracking, answering, and anticipating the most pressing challenges for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship supporters and policymakers, as well as program staff, and internal and external partners. Prior to joining the Kauffman Foundation, Dr. Kolavalli was an […]

The Risk Optimistic explores the value of risk, the opportunity of risk, and the belief that taking a chance is worth it.