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Miles Sandler

Director of Engagement – Education, Public Affairs

Amelia Earhart

The legacy of the American risk-taker is born out of exploration, oppression, democracy, and the promise of the American Dream. We can conjure the images of American risk-takers from the rebels of the American Revolution, to Harriet Tubman and Harvey Milk, Sally Ride to Sergey Brin. As a startup nation founded on the risk of […]

Wendy Guillies

Mr. Kauffman challenged his associates – at Marion Laboratories and at his Foundation – to take calculated risks. But what is risk for a privileged foundation? For us, it is an imperative.

We are eager to collaborate with innovative organizations that align with our goal of fostering equitable economic mobility and are committed to offering a clear, consistent grantmaking cycle grounded in humility. Therefore, we are introducing all our grantmaking opportunities for the year and will continue to be transparent about upcoming opportunities. Our work We believe […]

In 2017, the Kauffman Foundation awarded grants to five nonprofit organizations to form the backbone of the Entrepreneurs’ Policy Network. As the cohort continues to expand and involve other organizations that support entrepreneurs, it has formed into a community of practice that provides training, support, and peer-learning for entrepreneurship advocates. To select the grant recipients, […]

"I Can"

Get inspiration and insight from uncommon voices in 2019 that aim to break down barriers to success and offer hope for the decade ahead.