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By Dane Stangler From the moment Ewing Kauffman established his philanthropic foundation, he wanted to do things differently. He had already pushed out the frontier of innovation within baseball as owner of the Royals, and had innovated his way to a billion-dollar multinational company. His philanthropic work would similarly reflect that innovative spirit. One of his […]

As one of just a handful of private foundations with an emphasis in entrepreneurship, Kauffman has felt called to re-think its program strategies, for two reasons. The field has been changing dramatically, and the need is great. Despite a plethora of new efforts to create and support startups across the United States, startup rates actually […]

By Aaron North, Vice President, Education, Kauffman Foundation Every student should be able to attend a quality public school. Admittedly, that is easier said than done, though I have yet to meet someone who disagrees with that sentiment. Too many students, particularly lower-income students in urban and rural communities, are entering adulthood without the fundamental reading, […]

by Janice Kreamer, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and Wendy Guillies, President and CEO, Kauffman Foundation Leo Tolstoy famously said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” At the Kauffman Foundation, we know that if our work is to make any difference, we must start by looking […]

by Chase Public Poets from Cincinnati-based collaborative space Chase Public explored the world of ecosystem building through short order poetry: narrative poems, crafted on the spot, typed on a manual typewriter, and given as a gift. On the last day of the ESHIP Summit, Chase Public delivered a final synthesis poem which depicted the themes and […]

Knowledge, drive, and grit know no racial or socioeconomic boundaries. If ecosystem builders can intentionally extend entrepreneurship into “have-not” communities, we can positively impact our economy and, perhaps even more importantly, the people who deserve a chance to succeed. Read: The Future of Entrepreneurship: An ESHIP Summit Recap | Galvanize > SourceLink partnered and spent […]

What we created

They work for more innovation, more startups, and fewer barriers for the makers, the doers, and the dreamers. How do we bridge the gap between today’s world and a future with zero barriers for entrepreneurship and innovation? At the ESHIP Summit 2017, attendees visualized what a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem looks like and co-created the networks, frameworks, measures, […]

ESHIP Summit

The goal of the ESHIP Summit 2017 was to advance the work of community leaders focused on a systematic and collaborative approach to fostering more entrepreneurial starts and successes in their area. To that end, attendees formed small groups around 12 common challenges for ecosystem builders, dubbed Missions, and developed initial concepts for new tools, trainings […]

Firestarter videos 2017

Instead, six conference attendees took 15 minutes each to share a story, notion, thought, project or idea to seed people’s thinking. These moments, dubbed “Firestarter Sessions,” fueled creativity, analysis and inspiration for the work ahead. Mayor Sly James kicked off the inaugural ESHIP Summit, welcoming 450 ecosystem builders: “You’re here to innovate. You’re here to […]

2017 ESHIP Summit

Please note that the following content is specific to the 2017 ESHIP Summit. Updates for the 2020 convening can be found here. The ESHIP Summit 2017 was the Kauffman Foundation’s inaugural global gathering of leaders working to facilitate and spread entrepreneurship through the creation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. 450 attendees from 48 states and 9 countries—entrepreneurs, mayors, economic developers, grassroots community leaders, […]