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The historical Kauffman Index microdata file for each year includes more than 650,000 observations for U.S. adults. The variables include entrepreneurship, age, race, gender, immigrant status, education, industry, state of residence, and many additional work, demographic, and geographical characteristics.

The Kauffman Index produced annual reports since 1996, and three new types of reports after the relaunch in 2015: state, national, and metropolitan/city trends.

The Kauffman Index, from 1996-2014 and from 2015-2016, was among the most requested and far-reaching entrepreneurship research in the United States, and, arguably, the world. View the historical KIEA reports > | View the historical KIEA microdata > From 1996 to 2014, the original Kauffman Index – authored by Robert W. Fairlie – was an […]

Financial Statements This document contains the most recent Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Financial Statements. The document contains summary balance sheets, as well as statements of income, grants and expenses, and changes in net assets. Governance The Kauffman Foundation abides by a set of governing documents to ensure we operate consistent with the aspirations of our […]

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Kauffman Foundation Annual Learning Report 2017

January 18, 2018 The 2017 Annual Learning Report from the Kauffman Foundation synthesizes the key themes we see across the lessons that have been generated from grant reports, external evaluations and staff presentations to the Board of Trustees. Over the past year, associates from across the Kauffman Foundation developed new insights and lessons from their […]

Attendees at the ESHIP Summit/Mayors Conference event

January 18, 2018 The goal of the Kauffman Foundation’s KC Civic Nonprofit Effectiveness funding area is to strengthen nonprofits through services provided to them by quality intermediary organizations. These intermediaries provide services designed to build nonprofit capacity and efficiencies so that nonprofit organizations can, in turn, better serve community needs. The goal of the Kauffman […]

2018 Kauffman Annual Learning Report

March 6, 2019 Each year, the Kauffman Foundation gathers the lessons shared by our grantees and presents a summary of them in the Annual Learning Report. Here are the results of 2018’s learnings. At the Kauffman Foundation, learning and continuous improvement are core values that drive our work. Over the past year, associates, alongside grantees […]

Attendees at the ESHIP Summit/Mayors Conference event

Research, Learning, & Evaluation provides Kauffman Foundation leadership and staff with rigorous evidence to support strategic learning and inform decision-making about grants and the programs we operate directly.