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Project Choice captured the nation’s imagination by offering four classes of Westport High School students the support they needed to access and pay for education after high school.

As college and KSI program grads donned caps and gowns, 120 diverse young professionals begin to create their own legacies.

In this rural county in upstate New York, with “more cows than people,” employment prospects are limited. But, entrepreneurs graduating from training to refine and launch their businesses are empowered to take control of their own destinies and create jobs for fellow residents in the process.

Rethink Ed 2018 convening

Philanthropy’s role should be to help bring to scale some of the ideas already in motion within communities, connect communities together, share lessons, and provide the investments necessary to accelerate change.

Victor Hwang and Aaron North

As they roll down the highway home from Entrefest in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Victor Hwang and Aaron North have a meta conversation: Is entrepreneurial success found in the journey or the destination – and what does that mean for those trying to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in students?