The Gender Stereotypes of Entrepreneurship March 13, 2015 Kauffman researchers examine recent work by Sarah Thébaud on gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship.
When Public-Private Misalign: The Case of Private Prisons March 12, 2015 Kauffman researcher Emily Fetsch examines why private enterprise does not always prove to be the solution to public problems.
Guidelines for Local and State Governments to Promote Entrepreneurship March 10, 2015 This paper provides recommendations for how cities and states can promote entrepreneurship and begin to see results.
How Much Do Taxes Affect Startup Investment Incentives? March 9, 2015 Taxes create a wedge between what a new venture earns and what investors receive, boosting the hurdle rate that must be met in order to attract funding. But how much?
Are Investment Tax Credits Helping Entrepreneurs? March 6, 2015 Are investment tax credits helping entrepreneurs? Kauffman researcher Chris Jackson examines how current tax policy doesn’t really align with the type of support young and innovative companies need from policymakers.
Bennett Hypothesis: Does Student Aid Raise Tuition? March 4, 2015 In 1987, then-Secretary of Education William Bennett wrote an op-ed in the New York Times called “Our Greedy Colleges.” In his article, Bennett focused on the increasing cost of attending college and lackluster outcomes. One sentence in particular caught readers’ eyes and has since been dubbed the Bennett Hypothesis: “Increases in financial aid in recent […]
Are Incubators Beneficial to Emerging Businesses? March 2, 2015 Incubators are often thought of by public officials as a helpful way to encourage startups and emerging entrepreneurs. But are they effective? After examining more than 35 academic articles, including a review paper that systematically examined 38 studies, key takeaways from the literature show that incubators might not prove more effective at creating successful businesses […]
A Reflection of Entrepreneurs in Pop Culture: The Celebritization of Entrepreneurs February 26, 2015 Kauffman researcher Colin Tomkins-Bergh explores the current entrepreneurship zeitgist and its potential implications on potential and young entrepreneurs.
Demographic Trends Will Shape the Future of Entrepreneurship February 24, 2015 Changing demographic trends are altering the American economic landscape in ways that will affect the economy for years to come. The aging of Boomers and the emergence of Millennials are two of the biggest demographic developments in America today.
Why the Lack of Women Leaders is a Problem for Businesses February 16, 2015 Kauffman Foundation researcher Emily Fetsch looks at the lack of women leaders in the business, why it is problematic to the business world, and what can be done to fix it.